quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

New Year's Eve Blue Moon & Lunar Eclipse

On Thursday, December 31st we will experience the 13th Full Moon of 2009. Known as a Blue Moon, this phenomenon occurs the same night it turns a new decade according to our modern day calendar. The very idea of a "calendar month" is a relatively recent concept, as months were originally measured by the period between lunation’s, creating a Lunar Calendar of some 13 months per year (the word "month" comes from "moon"). The ancient traditions of honoring the lunar goddesses was replaced by the development of the solar year of 12 months, based on the seasons and connected with the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The next Blue Moon on New Years Eve will be in 29 years on December 31, 2028. Thirteen is a very powerful number but this has been distorted with teachings from the church that associate thirteen with witchcraft and misfortune.

In ancient Greece, Zeus was counted as the thirteenth, and most powerful god. Zeus and the number thirteen have symbolic meanings such as: Totality, Completion, Power, Realization and Attainment. It is a number that purifies and cleanses.

The number 13 brings completion to a time of the testing, struggle and death. It symbolizes the death of oneself and the birth of spirit: the passage on a higher level. Thirteen is considered to signify the end of a cycle, as evidenced by the fact that there are thirteen lunar months in the year and thirteen signs in the Celtic and Native American systems of astrology. While thirteen foretells new beginnings, it also signifies that outmoded systems must come to an end to make way for much needed transformations. But thirteen's real significance has to do with sacred geometry, more particularly the Flower of Life, which is from the Temple of Osiris and shows the never ending cycle of destruction and creation of life.

The symbolism of thirteen comes into play when we learn of Osiris (the Egyptian god of life, death and a powerful solar symbol who was murdered by his brother. The wife of Osiris, Isis, known as the mother Goddess, and her sister collected his body with intent to restore Osiris back to life. However, the brother stole Osiris’ body and cut it into fourteen pieces and scattered them about the earth. Isis continued her quest to revive her beloved, but could only reclaim thirteen of the fourteen body parts. This tale symbolically implies that the meaning of number thirteen is the precursor to completion.

There will also be a lunar eclipse on this day which can bring forth insight and clarity after months and months of inner turmoil and dramatic change that we have all been experiencing. This is a most powerful night to gain insight as to the new path that is being presented to each of us.

So, on this note, I wish you all Divine Creatures a Happy New Year and May your deepest dreams fro 2010 come true!!!!


Source: Unkown

domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2009

Suco de Abacaxi & Hortelã/Pineapple & Mint Juice

Por porção: 49 calorias
- 1/2 xícara (chá) de abacaxi descascado e picado (1/2 cup of pineapple, peeled and chopped)
- 200 ml de água (a little over 3/4 C)
- 5 folhas de hortelã (5 mint leaves)
- adoçante a gosto (sugar to taste)
- gelo a gosto (ice to taste)
Modo de Preparo
1. No liquidificador, junte todos os ingredientes e bata até obter um líquido homogêneo. (In a blender, add all the ingredients together and blend until you obtain a homogeneous liquid)
2. Desligue o liquidificador e transfira o suco para um copo. (Turn off the blender and tranfer to glasses)
3. Sirva a seguir. (Serve)
From: http://panelinha.ig.com.br/site_novo/receita/receita.php?id=1182

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009

Mystery Light Show Dazzles Web

by Claudine Zap

We've heard of the Northern Lights. But we've never seen anything like this. The good people of northern Norway were recently treated to quite a display. As you'll see in the video, a town was lit up with what looks like a shooting blue star that burst into a giant white spiral that then beams a ray of blue light from its center. It is beautiful and baffling. And completely mysterious.

Those who missed the Arctic show headed to the Web, causing searches on "norway spiral" to immediately surge into the stratosphere.

There has got to be a logical explanation: Residents hailing a masked superhero, perhaps? A Spirograph Photoshopped into the sky? Imminent alien invasion? Well, the various independent photos and videos coming in confirm it's not a fake. Scientists have said it's not the Northern Lights, although it is in the north and it is a light. One Norwegian astronomer quoted by the Daily Mail opined that at first he thought it was a "fireball meteor," but it went on too long. The reason behind the show is probably man-made.

More than likely say experts, it was a Russian missile. While the Russian Defense Ministry would not comment, the circumstantial evidence is mounting that this is what a spiraling rocket jettisoning fuel looks like. And it sure is pretty.

terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2009


Is this related...

... with this?